McArthur Stidom

Owner and Founder

The Balanced Body
Therapeutic Massage & Wellness LLC
Licensed Massage Therapist LMT
Reiki Master Teacher RMT
National Certification Board for
Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork















DNA Belief Transformations

Your body is comprised of one hundred trillion cells that effect your emotions and  thought patterns. 

DNA and Belief Systems allow for the transformation of your  negative core beliefs into those that  empower your life. Our DNA is our personal blueprint, containing all of the information about us, mentally, physically and spiritually. Each cell in our physical body, as well as in our energetic bodies, holds a vast amount of information.

This is a process, which assist you in changing, modifying and often eliminating the stressful beliefs and emotional patterns you carry within you that stop you from getting more of what you want in your life.

Beliefs learned when you were young are ingrained in the subconscious mind as well as in your DNA. Beliefs can also come from your ancestral background and often block you from taking easy action moving forward or from healing.

The use of energetic kinesiology testing is another way of reading clarity on limiting thought patterns locked in the subconscious mind and DNA. Releasing those patterns and replicating the process throughout every cell of the body, in most cases, supports significant positive transformation within the system.

DNA Cell(f) Imagery(TM) & Activation

DNA Imagery(TM) Activation & Transformation Activating your 12 DNA strands will awaken the communication system within your body.

We all have two physical strands of DNA in each chromosome, which have been recognized by science for years. There are an additional ten energetic DNA strands, which have been in a latent state. Until recently, scienc called this junk DNA. The fully activated twelve DNA strands create the connection between the human genetic coding and access to all knowledge in the twelve planes of existence. This is the awareness of who we are, our histories and purpose for being.

Activating the ten dormant/ phantom DNA strands creates a new communication system within your body, which allows the cells to communicate and access this vast source of information. The ten light strands also contain the blue print for our spiritual growth and evolution.

Benefits of a DNA Activation & Transformation include:

* Strengthening of your Immune system.
* Accelerated ability to heal.
* Having more energy; looking and feeling younger.
* Heightened sense of intuition, clairaudience clairvoyance.
* Increased focus and ability to be in the present moment.
* Identifying and releasing patterns that no longer serve us.
* Strengthen empowering belief patterns increased access and use of more of your brain. 

Cranial Sacral Balancing Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy:  A form of bodywork developed to assist in the detection of traumas of the central nervous system using only 5 grams of pressure, this gentle, non invasive technique addresses the membrane system and the connective tissue  that connect the cranium and sacrum to each other by finding possible restrictions and or imbalances that cause the client pain and dysfunction.

CranialSacral Balancing Therapy is exceedingly gentle (no more than five grams of pressure) and addresses the core structure of the central nervous system by engaging the recipient in self-healing.

Through the balancing of the cerebrospinal fluid system, other physiological system (immune, lymphatic, cardiovascular, endocrine and muscular) show substantial improvement. Most recipients ofnthis therapy experience increased physical vitality and resiliency along with enhancement of their body's general well-being.

This subtle hands-on therapy accesses the cranialsacral rhythm, which is the pulse of your energetic body, the oldest rhythm in the body and the primary conductor of life energy in the body. Through this technique, the deepest part of your inner being is touched and healing is allowed to occur on many levels.

The positive effect of this healing modality encourages the body's own natural healing mechanisms to dissipate the neg effects of trauma and stress.

Individual frequently find immediate and lasting benefits in the following situations:
Prepare for Surgery
Recover from Surgery
Boost Immune System
Resolve Birth Trauma
Reduce Insomnia
Relieve Headaches & Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain
Reduce Stress Symptoms
Enhance Performance
Ease Emotional Challenges
Heal Whiplash

aAutonomic Cranial Enhancement (ACE)

Autonomic Cranial Enhancement (ACE)- is a protocol designed specifically to support the body in organizing and synchronizing the information flow within and between four functional primal survival systems: feeding, fight/flight/freeze, reproduction and immune.

ACE is based on the premise that the body can be supported in finding its own way to healing. The ACE protocol is an educational model for the body and is designed to facilitate communication within and between four primal functional survival systems. The original harmony and organization of these systems can be disrupted by various kinds of physical, emotional, chemical or environmental trauma. Disruption in the primal functional system can ultimately be reflected in the nervous system and the cranial-sacral system.

As we have come to understand, each person has an electromagnetic field which can be influenced to facilitate changes in their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This influence can be achieved with as little as a thought (intention and observation): contact close to but not on the body; or, through a light touch. The person experiencing ACE by a trained facilitator will remain fully clothed and experience a light touch as a facilitator works with the participant to monitor information the body has to offer regarding it’s organization and the body’s response through improved balance, organization, synchronization and restored Homeostasis.

By dealing with the CAUSES and NOT SYMPTOMS we are able to correct many dysfunction’s and conditions which have often been difficult to treat in the past.

The following may be improved as a result of the body’s favorable response to the ACE Protocol: <br>Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJP) Whiplash Injuries Lingering effects from head injuries Scoliosis High Blood Pressure Menstrual DisordersEnhancing the connection to the energy centers of your meridian lines and Electromagnetic Field.



Reiki (pronounced ("ray- key") is a natural healing technique thought to be thousands of years old. Originating as a Tibetan Buddhist practice, it was rediscovered in the late 1800's by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist.

A very simple yet powerful healing art, Reiki can be used on yourself as well as others. It can easily be learned by anyone. Practitioners channel universal life force in a particular pattern to bring forth healing and harmony. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei, which means, "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power," and Ki, which is "life force energy.". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

There is no religious belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive a Reiki treatment or a Reiki attunement. As in any healing, the first step towards a healthier life is a desire for healing.

Benefits of Reiki- a powerful and gentle technique which:
Promotes natural self- healing
Balances the energies in the body
Balances the organs and glands
Strengthens the immune system
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Relieves pain
Clears Toxins
Adapts to the needs of the receiver
Enhances personal awareness
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Aids meditation and positive thinking
Heals holistically


Lightbody Connection and Activation (TM) Lightbody Connection and Activation (TM) is sacred geometry of what is called the "Merkaba."

This is both an Egyptian and Hebrew word for the spinning field of light energy and information that radiates from the human body as the star tetrahedron, also known as the Star of David.

The Merkaba is a geometrically precise field that is formed from the pattern of the first eight cells of the fertilized ovum or zygote. The Merkaba field is the matrix of creation. It is the blueprint from whichnyour physical and subtle bodies are formed and from which your life's journey and soul purpose is made manifest.

Your Lightbody is a grid work of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe. It connects you to your encoded data through high electrical currents you in translating and manifesting your hopes, dreams, wishes and desires as well as your hidden talents and soul purpose. As you activate, build and integrate your Lightbody, you reorganize your molecular structure, allowing your body to be less dense and freer to express itself with the source of the universe. 

**This is a very intensive treatment and you must have the permission from the practitioner before purchasing this service.


aDivine Matrix Connection (Matrix Healing Technique) TM

Enhancing the connection to the energy centers of your meridian lines and Electromagnetic Field.

Originally, the meridian lines (referred to as acupuncture lines) in our bodies were connected to the grid lines which encircle the planet and cross at know power places such as Sedona and Machu Picchu.

These grid lines continue out and connect us to a large grid, tying us into the entire universe. As egos surface, we became disconnected from those lines.

Dr. Hurtak referred to the lines as Axiatonal Lines in Chapter 6 of his Book, "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys Of Enoch ."

Matrix Healing Technique (TM) brings in "new" Axiatonal Lines, which enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and evolution. It also prepares our bodies to receive the Lightbody Connection and Activation (TM).  

aAutonomic Cranial Enhancement (ACE)

Autonomic Cranial Enhancement (ACE)- is a protocol designed specifically to support the body in organizing and synchronizing the information flow within and between four functional primal survival systems: feeding, fight/flight/freeze, reproduction and immune.

ACE is based on the premise that the body can be supported in finding its own way to healing. The ACE protocol is an educational model for the body and is designed to facilitate communication within and between four primal functional survival systems. The original harmony and organization of these systems can be disrupted by various kinds of physical, emotional, chemical or environmental trauma. Disruption in the primal functional system can ultimately be reflected in the nervous system and the cranial-sacral system.

As we have come to understand, each person has an electromagnetic field which can be influenced to facilitate changes in their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This influence can be achieved with as little as a thought (intention and observation): contact close to but not on the body; or, through a light touch. The person experiencing ACE by a trained facilitator will remain fully clothed and experience a light touch as a facilitator works with the participant to monitor information the body has to offer regarding it’s organization and the body’s response through improved balance, organization, synchronization and restored Homeostasis.

By dealing with the CAUSES and NOT SYMPTOMS we are able to correct many dysfunction’s and conditions which have often been difficult to treat in the past.

The following may be improved as a result of the body’s favorable response to the ACE Protocol: <br>Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJP) Whiplash Injuries Lingering effects from head injuries Scoliosis High Blood Pressure Menstrual DisordersEnhancing the connection to the energy centers of your meridian lines and Electromagnetic Field.